ABA News . . .

Ayrshire All-American Contest Results Released

We are pleased to announce the winners of the
2015 Ayrshire All-American contest. The pictures of the winners will be posted soon at www.usayrshire.com and published in the March/April issue of the Ayrshire Digest. If you would like to advertise your animals, please contact the Digest staff at 614-575-4620.

2015 Ayrshire All-American Contest Results (pdf format)


2016 Ayrshire REWARDS Program

The discount deadline for the 2016 REWARDS program is approaching! Take advantage of this opportunity by signing up by December 31, 2015. The final deadline is March 31, 2016.
2016 Ayrshire REWARDS Program Application (pdf format)


Attention Ayrshire Youth!

 There are many fun Ayrshire youth contests being planned for the 2016 National Ayrshire Convention in Oklahoma, and we want you to participate! The first deadline for the National Ayrshire Youth Record Books and Scholarship Applications is March 1, 2016. The postmark, fax and email deadline is June 1st to enter the National Ayrshire Queen Contest, Photo and Display Contests, and Quiz Bowl and Dairy Jeopardy Contests. Applications are available online at http://www.usayrshire.com/youthapplication.html

If you have questions, please contact Becky Payne at bpayne@usayrshire.com


Genomic Testing

The ABA has a cooperation agreement with the Holstein Association for genomic testing. Breeders can request testing kits from the ABA office, in the same manner as DNA testing.
- Fees: Low Density (9K) - $46 + breeder’s fee to Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding
High Density (77K) - $122 + breeder’s fee to CDCB
Genomic Testing Complete Fee Schedule
